1 Scalp Head Massager Scratcher Neck Massage Octopus Stress Relax Spa Therapy !
by ATB
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Original price
$ 14.99
Original price
$ 14.99
Original price
$ 14.99
Original price
$ 14.99
Current price
$ 6.17
$ 6.17
$ 6.17
Current price
$ 6.17
1 Scalp Head Massager Neck Massage Octopus Stress Relax Spa Therapy Healing !!
This head massager is designed to stimulate your nerve endings and massage acupressure points on your head and neck
Let this tool do what a hand can do, but do it better.
Simply place over head and use this to massage the head.
This shouldn't be used by children under the age of 12 and it shouldn't be used near the face.
Overall length is 9.5"
This head massager is designed to stimulate your nerve endings and massage acupressure points on your head and neck
Let this tool do what a hand can do, but do it better.
Simply place over head and use this to massage the head.
This shouldn't be used by children under the age of 12 and it shouldn't be used near the face.
Overall length is 9.5"